
About Us

About Us

At the core of our work is ensuring young women across East Africa have the tools, education and support to not only have a prosperous career in technology but also live fulfilling lives.



Provide the most promising young women in Africa, with technology skills to compete economically and bridge the gender gap in tech.



Be the leading source of African female technology talent for the world.

Theory Of Change

Theory of Change


The Next 10 Years

The Next 10 Years

The next ten years will define AkiraChix as the global leading organisation for African women innovators in technology. We intend to do this through;

Building a Generation of Trailblazing African Women in Technology

Within our mission-led approach, we seek to make a significant and sustained difference by increasing young women’s access to life-changing opportunities made possible by education.


Fueling the Dream

To ensure the AkiraChix cogwheels are well-oiled and moving seamlessly, we will seek out partnerships that drive and strengthen our financial sustainability and resiliency, allowing us to focus on the long-term mission fulfillment.

Thinking Smart

We are committed to invest heavily in targeted research tracking earning, diversity in leadership positions and retention of female tech talent on the continent.

Building Sisterhood

Through codeHiveX, we have established a support system for our alumni to nurture their talent to enable them to take on additional responsibilities, thereby breaking new grounds for not just the young women in the program, but tech development in Africa.

Partnerships for Impact

We will invest in scaling collaborative delivery to meet the growing demands within the tech ecosystem for mutual benefit.


Our organizational values are the foundation of all of our work.

Empathy IconEMPATHY

We strive to create a community that is aware of its differences and holds space for one another without judgment.

Diversity IconDIVERSITY

We seek and celebrate our differences, our community comprises of women from different cultures, religions, and backgrounds.

Community IconCOMMUNITY

We thrive when we are working and supporting each other.

LifeLong learning IconLIFE-LONG LEARNING

We don’t have a template of what we do, we are all on a journey to self-discovery, trial and error, tinkering and curiosity that lead us to learn new things.

The Team

The Team

Team Linda Kamau

Linda Kamau

Founder & Executive Director

Team Zipporah Njoroge

Zipporah Njoroge

Finance & People Operations Lead

Team Kelly Ogutu

Kelly Ogutu

Operations Lead

Team Lydia Oduor

Lydia Oduor

Communication Engineer

Team Nancy Wambui

Nancy Wambui

codeHive Admin

Team Evans Ayusa

Evans Ayusa

Hospitality Lead

Team Margaret Ndinda

Margaret Ndinda


Team White Pepper

White Pepper

Tech can be mentally challenging, I'm just here to make it better

The Board

The Board

Chilande Kuloba-Warria

Chilande Kuloba-Warria

Board Chairperson

Cher-Wen Dewitt

Cher-Wen Dewitt

Board Member

Julius Kabangi

Julius Kabangi

Board Member